Last week was the Super Sneak Peak weekend of "Cool Story". We were also in town for Snowboarder Magazines "America's next top pro model contest"... it was for charity, so lets just say everybody won... ?
The Sneak Peak for the video was on Saturday night at High Cascade, and Sunday night at Windells. Both of the shows had a great feel. Thanks to everyone that came out and enjoyed the flick with us!

Pete... posing for his next cover shot.

Think Thank crew, after the Windells sneak peak

Mackadocious, Jason Robinson, and the Burtneezle

Burtner and Bridges... bringin home the big bucks for charity.

Jesse and the Winner of the give away from the HCSC super sneak peak.

Chris Brewster, homie, Sam Hulbert and Jesse.

apres sneak peak. that one guy is hyped.

McCarthy, Bogart, Tim Eddy, and Yosh.

Milbery, Mack, and Pika ... made you look, thats one punch in the arm, dont pretend you werent playing the game.

Super Genuis and Krush

pre super sneak peak crew.

Sean and Ben, straight outta canadia... en francais.

Burtner and TJ

Danger Zone!

Burtner and his Box scratcher... not wearing all black... good choice.


Sean taught Reynolds everything he knows.
Until the Vid hits the stores, there's still some summer riding to be had. get up there.