Thank you everyone for watching Part One of Primary Parts! I guess enough people liked it that Snowboarder gave us the coveted premium player spot again this week for
Part Two: Heart "Working with a little bit less and that's a good thing."
That was a Scott quote when recapping his season with Think Thank. And it cut to the heart of it. ha ha. pun intended.
Jesse likes to call what Think Thank does "recessionary snowboarding." We're lucky to work with riders and filmers and photographers who don't let tight budgets (or no budgets) or lean snow years keep them down! They've got brains for creating and heart to try and try again.
Mostly though, the riders are the heart of the vids. If it wasn't for the riders, there'd be no video at all. At least not a snowboard video.
There's Think Thank in a nutshell. Brain + Heart = Progression through creativity.
Hope you all enjoy Part Two! Watch it here this week!
and feel free to share it with your buddies.
Thanks Brains!
A one on one Video Man to Video Man interview. |